Lessons in Leadership

Lessons in Leadership

Do you have a teen that’s developing their leadership skills?  How important are those skills later in life?  Find out on today’s podcast where we discuss innovation and leadership skills with Jonathan Silk.  

Listen in: http://InventingPodcast.com

Jonathan is a recently retired military officer who has served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, and most recently West Point.  We’ll hear about some of his experiences in the military (like patrolling the DMZ between North and South Korea) and how he started developing his leadership skills early in life.  Jonathan explains about social capital, and shares his philosophy that you have to understand how to influence others and not use a blanket leadership style.

Join me today as I interview an American hero at: http://InventingPodcast.com

Keep on Innovating,


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Muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Ok, now that I have that out... I can get to work. For as long as I can remember, I have been making things. This habit used to be called "Inventing" but has lately been repurposed by the Maker community with the term "Maker". While there are some subtle differences between Inventing and Making, I have discovered my passion for both by inspiring a new generation of Makers. In this quest to spark creative thinking and problem solving through practical and exciting projects, I draw on my background in biomedical research, high energy fiber laser development, and 15 years of building laboratory devices. As an experimental physicist with a PhD from Case Western Reserve University, I have seen research and development from many angles and am now bringing that experience to middle school and high school students who want to make everything from catapults to cybernetic augmentations. Through the medium of Making and Inventing, students are transformed from passive observers of education to active learners. This powerful shift fosters deep insights, creative expression, collaborative thinking and a host of other skills that are difficult to learn in traditional settings. Along with my wife Debby, an accomplished constructivist educator, I am on a quest to transform education and am looking for like-minded collaborators to bring hands-on learning to future generations.

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