Keeping the Dream Alive
What would you think if I told you everything we think we know about social change and equality is wrong?
What would you think if I told you everything we think we know about social change and equality is wrong?
Simple Fall Science Activity Green Monster Slime! Add some gooey, gross, green monster slime to your Halloween this year! All you need are these 4 ingredients and a little science to whip up a batch. Elmer’s white glue- 1/2 …
Simple Fall Science Activity from Table Top Inventing! Read more »
I am very easily entertained, but every once in a while I come across something fantastic that I just have to share. In physics we like to talk about waves and a fascinating way to use sine and cosine waves known …
When I saw the article claiming flying wind turbines I just had to look. How do they stay aloft? Why would you want to use these? Where is the best place to use them? These are all questions I had …
When Dr. Adam Summers set about clearing and staining gobies, stingrays, and sharks he was shown the beauty of each fish’s unique form. Clearing and Staining allows humans to see the special shape of different specimens and thus learn their …
Wonder Wednesday: Transparent Skins and Colorful Bones [aka Fishy Business] Read more »